Lovely Links



  • B.H.P.A. All you need to know about Hanggliding and Paragliding from the British Hanggliding & Paragliding Association
  • B.M.A.A. Find out about microlighting from the British Microlight Aircraft Association
  • Scottish Airsports Club Come hang gliding and microlighting at the Scottish Airsports Club near Thornhill, Central Scotland
  • The Oz Report A near-daily, world wide hang gliding news e-zine, with reports on competitions, pilot rankings, political issues, fly-ins, the latest technology, ultralight sailplanes, reader feedback and anything else from within the global HG community worthy of coverage.
  • Alatus-M website All you need to know about the Alatus-M Ultralight Sailplane
  • Alatus-M forums Discuss the Alatus-M Ultrialight Sailplane

When you can’t fly:

  • Condor Soaring Simulator  The best simulator out there. Soar in your top-spec glider all over the world in perfect weather conditions. Go on-line and fly real-time competition tasks with other pilots.